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Tamer Badawi

Associate Researcher

Current affiliation: University of Kent

An analyst and consultant currently focused on politics and security in Iraq and the wider region. He has worked in journalism, think-tanks, and international non-governmental organisations over the past ten years. His analyses and media comments appeared with Sada, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Centre, The Atlantic Council, Al Monitor, Middle East Eye, ISPI, Aljazeera English, Deutsche Welle, the Associated Press, among others. Tamer is currently a PhD candidate and teaching assistant at the University of Kent’s School of Politics and International Relations where he researches paramilitary groups and tribal politics in Iraq.

Areas of expertise:

Armed conflict, paramilitary groups, ethnic politics, and geopolitical trends affecting Iraq and the wider region.

Selected analyses:

  • Badawi, T., “Iran’s Security Anxiety in Iraqi Kurdistan”, Sada, 8 November 2022.
  • Badawi, T., “The Growing Tribal Role in Iraq’s Post-election Shia Politics”, Sada, 17 May 2022.
  • Badawi, T., “Iraq’s Resurgent Paramilitaries”, Sada, 22 April 2022.
  • Badawi, T., “Kadhimi’s Push Against Iran-Supported Paramilitaries”, Sada, 16 September 2022.

Selected papers:

  • Badawi, T., Iraq Country Profile in “Armed Conflict Survey 2022” (ed.), The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).
  • Badawi, T., “Mismatched Expectations: Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood After the Arab Uprisings” (co-authored with Osama al-Sayyad) in “A Restless Revival: Political Islam After the 2011 Uprisings” (edited by Maha Yahya & Mohanad Hage Ali), Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Centre, July 2021.
  • Badawi, T., “The Impacts of Climate Change and Sanctions on Iran’s Water-Food Security Nexus” in “Revisiting Natural Resources in the Middle East and North Africa” (edited by Luigi Narbone), MEDirections ebook, European University Institute, 2020.
  • Badawi, T., “The Popular Mobilisation Units as a Relief Agency : Can the Coronavirus Pandemic Accelerate Institutional Transformation?”, MEDirections, European University Institute, June 2020.