The Mediterranean Platform is actively engaged in supporting the educational programs of the Luiss Guido Carli School of Government. Our educational offer and executive trainings focus in particular on the main current and future challenges as well as opportunities of the Mediterranean and the MENA regions. We promote multidisciplinarity and cross-contamination between well-established academics and experienced practitioners with a view to stimulating insights and identifying innovative solutions to key policy issues.
Our courses are based on state-of-the-art analyses and first-hand research, key policies and practical experiences. We encourage critical reflection on how to design and implement more effective policy responses and aim at contributing to better informed decision-making for all actors operating on the two shores of the Mediterranean and beyond.
Luiss University, 25/06/2024
CEOforLIFE Clubhouse, Piazza di Montecitorio 116, Roma, 18/06/2024
Luiss University, 28/05/2024
Luiss University, 21/05/2024
Luiss Language Café, from 17:00 to 18:30, 07/05/2024
Luiss University, from 15:30 to 17:30, 30/04/2024
Luiss University, 23/04/2024
LUISS University, 26/03/2024
LUISS University, 27/02/2024