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Leon Stille

Associate Expert

Leon Stille has a background in energy sciences (MSc and BSc) and pursuing a PhD on energy policy. He currently runs his own company as an independent energy expert through his label new energy institute. He is manager education and partnerships of impact hydrogen, Business Development Director of Hovyu, Visiting professor Mines de Nancy and Lector sustainable energy systems at NCOI University of applied sciences. From the start of his career he has focused on conventional and renewable energy technology development, innovation and education.

He has extensive experience in project development and implementation on Hydrogen, CCUS, biomethane/biogas, geothermal energy, wind and solar. He has held commercial roles in several energy companies (Alliander and current plug power) and is a frequent speaker, author, and moderator at energy related events. Furthermore, he worked for the Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research (TNO) as international business development manager dedicated to enabling and accelerating the energy transition. After TNO Leon became manager of energy business school, energy delta institute, managing a team of 12 with an international office in Moscow.

Leon also provided much of the content of various programs and the executive MBA energy policies as key lecturer and expert. Leon also worked in the HEAVENN project, Europe’s first hydrogen valley, as expert and for the first large scale CCUS project in Canada, Boundary dam 3. Leon holds three patents and several ancillary position as scientific advisor of the european biogas association and hydrogen europe, sustainability committee member of the international gas union and top author of Illuminem.