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Giuseppe Maria Bartalotta

Associate Junior Researcher

Current Affiliation: Luiss Guido Carli

Giuseppe Maria Bartalotta holds a master’s degree in Political Science, “International Cooperation and Development”, and is currently enrolled in the second-level Master’s course, titled “International Public Affairs”, at Luiss Guido Carli. He has experience in project development and research. He collaborates also with “The New Global Order”, and the “London Institute of Peace Research”.

Areas of expertise:

Geopolitics, nuclear policies, UN functions, History, Demography, Climate change, Populism, Democracy, and Human Rights.

Main Publications:

Giuseppe Maria Bartalotta, Let’s Tune In: Iran joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), the New Global Order, 2022.

Giuseppe Maria Bartalotta, Let’s Tune In: Europe’s Most Important Gas Pipeline Closes Again, the New Global Order, 2022.

Giuseppe Maria Bartalotta, Let’s Tune In: An Authoritarian Threat to Brazil’s Democracy, The New Global Order, 2022.

Giuseppe Maria Bartalotta, The roots of revolution in Sudan: Successes, setbacks and way forward, The London Institute of Peace Research, 2022.