Il Messaggero

15 April 2024

Our Director Prof. Luigi Narbone intervened in the newspaper Il Messaggero.

“Now everything will depend on the extent of Israel’s retaliation”

On 15/04/2024 our Director Prof. Luigi Narbone intervened in the newspaper Il Messaggero and Il Mattino in the aftermath of the Iranian attack on Israel.

Prof Narbone tried to highlight some critical aspects of the events of two days ago. First, Jordan distanced itself from the Iranian attack by shooting down the drones flying over its territory. The country has thus taken an important stance among Arab countries. Second, Saudi Arabia may be more inclined to normalise relations with Israel after the attack, given its religious and geopolitical opposition to Iran.

In conclusion, Prof. Narbone emphasised that while Iran may have planned a restrained and measured attack, the ball is now in Israel’s court to plan its next moves.

For the edition of Il Messaggero visit here.
For the edition of Il Mattino visit here.


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