Prof. Collombier commented on France’s political and diplomatic involvement in Libya
On October 24, in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Prof. Virginie Collombier, our Scientific Coordinator, commented on France’s political and diplomatic involvement in Libya. She highlighted the efforts of Macron’s envoy, Paul Soler, and French Ambassador Mostafa Mahraji to reunify Libya’s institutions and establish a unified executive authority. However, Collombier noted that both diplomats “lack a clear plan” to achieve these goals.
With no clear political roadmap, the French envoys have shifted focus to security issues, particularly through ties with General Haftar’s forces in eastern Libya. Prof. Collombier suggested this reflects France’s broader strategy to address setbacks in the Sahel and secure Libya’s southern borders.
The article is available in Arabic.
Prof. Collombier interview for Libération
Prof. Collombier for the newspaper El Mundo
Prof. Narbone appeared on BBC Arabic