Youth Economic Research Forum

Libya’s Next Generation Shaping their Future

Libya is in urgent need of an economic vision for the future. Developing one can complement the political process and over time, steer it toward peace and stability. However, it will require a new generation of leadership with a deep understanding of socio-economic issues.

The Youth Economic Research Forum takes the first step in this direction. Under the guidance of trainers and practitioners at the Mediterranean Platform, Libyan youth from across the country will build their research and policy dialogue skills. The project’s inclusive platform brings them together to discuss Libya’s economic vision with peers, experts, and key stakeholders from both Libya and abroad.

The project is managed by the World Bank’s Libya Development Trust Fund (LDTF), and implemented by the Luiss Mediterranean Platform, in partnership with the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED).

Programme Benefits

The programme gives Libyan youth the benefits of:

  • Thinking about and contributing to the future of economic policy and development in Libya.
  • Being part of an inclusive platform for dialogue and development.
  • Engaging with a network of peers, experts, and relevant Libyan and international stakeholders.
  • Developing skills in research, analysis, and policy dialogue.

Programme Structure 

The programme is expected to run from June 2024 to June 2025.

During the first part we offer participants an online research training to teach them how to conduct policy research. By the end of this part, they will finalize their selection of one topic related to the future of Libya’s economy and collect information on it. Participants are not expected to produce complete policy papers, but just to collect information to have an informed discussion on their topic.

In the second part of the programme, participants take part of online policy focus groups, which will bring them together with youth leaders, academics, and practitioners to discuss key issues related to Libya’s development. After that, one to two final sessions will also be held in presence. In these sessions, the participants will present and discuss their overall research findings. Their goal will be to contribute to a final joint statement on the future of Libya’s economy.

Applications closed on 23 July and we are delighted to welcome our first participants to the programme. The first cohort will start the training in the following months.

This initiative is funded by the “Libya Development Trust Fund Program” and managed by The World Bank. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the “Libya Development Trust Fund Program” or the World Bank.