Libya’s Permanent Political Platform

The “Permanent Political Platform” (PPP) project emerges as a direct response to the expressed need for a structured mechanism to support ongoing dialogue and coordination among Libya’s political and civil forces. Unlike highly sensitive discussions focused on immediate inter-elite agreements and power-sharing arrangements, the PPP will offer a dedicated space for stakeholders to engage in regular, substantive discussions on mid- to long-term political issues crucial to Libya’s future.

By providing a forum outside the constraints of high-stakes negotiations, the PPP creates an environment conducive to constructive dialogue and collaboration. Participants will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of political and policy issues, including local governance, constitutional reforms, electoral processes, security sector reform, and national reconciliation efforts, among others.

This initiative is funded by the European Union in the framework of “Libya’s Permanent Political Platform” project (FPI/2024/454237). Its contents are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.