Luiss Mediterranean Platform, 20/11/2023
20-21 November 2023
Luiss Guido Carli, Viale Romania 32
In times of fast changes and great uncertainties, the value of policy-relevant analysis which also attempts to project into the future current trends and dynamics to anticipate possible scenarios is all the more valuable. While not embarking in systematic foresight, this first Luiss Mediterranean Platform conference wants to be an opportunity for academics, practitioners and policymakers to discuss the medium-term prospects (5 years) for the broader Mediterranean region. It takes inspiration from a series of online roundtables on the most crucial issues affecting the region organised by the Mediterranean Platform during the academic year 2022-2023.
Over two days, “Mediterranean 2028” will bring together academics, policymakers, experts and practitioners into multi-disciplinary discussions on the geopolitical dynamics, socio-economic trends and big transitions (climate crisis, energy transition and technology revolution) that are likely to deeply transform the region and affect the North/South relationships. The conference will conclude with a public roundtable discussing possible scenarios and policy responses to confront the risks of severe disruptions and build on opportunities to enact positive change.