Beyond National Borders: Unpacking Conflict Dynamics in the Horn of Africa

Luiss University, 28/05/2024

Location: Viale Romania Campus, Room 405.

Date: 28 May 2024.

Time: From 15:30 to 17:30.

The event will be held in person and online.

The Horn of Africa faces numerous conflict hotspots, intricately intertwined and transcending national boundaries, thus posing significant challenges to peace and stability of the entire region, and beyond. The enduring civil war in Somalia has resulted in widespread displacement, humanitarian crises, and economic disruptions, with repercussions extending to the Gulf. Ethiopia, once a beacon of stability, now grapples with a civil war that has escalated into regional conflict involving Eritrea and Sudan. Sudan’s 2023 war complicates the regional landscape, straining Khartoum-Addis Ababa relations and risking destabilizing Chad, Egypt, and South Sudan. The longstanding dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia over Nile water rights adds another layer of complexity to the regional dynamics.

At the same time, the Horn of Africa is a focal point for great-power competition, driven by divergent international interests and rivalries. Situated at a strategically significant juncture between Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian Ocean, the region attracts major powers such as China, the United States, and Gulf states, all vying for influence through economic investments, military partnerships, and diplomatic initiatives.

Against this backdrop of instability and evolving alliances, the fouth Luiss Mediterranean Platform roundtable seeks to unpack conflict dynamics in the Horn of Africa, shedding light on their transnational nature within the rapidly evolving geopolitical landscape. The discussion will center around key questions, including the implications of the increasing regionalization of conflicts, the impact of geopolitical competition on conflict dynamics, and strategies for international and regional actors to address cross-border tensions and ultimately foster consolidated stability in the region.


Virginie Collombier, Scientific Coordinator, Luiss Mediterranean Platform.
Carlo Palleschi, Associate Researcher, Luiss Mediterranean Platform.


Mehari Taddele Maru, Professor, European University Institute.
Federico Donelli, Professor, University of Trieste.
Jérôme Tubiana, Adviser, Médecins Sans Frontières .