Peace-Building from Below: Challenges and Prospects for Libyan Youth

School of Government, Luiss Guido Carli,, 23/01/2023

Over the last decade, youth have been among the most affected communities by the ongoing conflict in Libya, with limited prospects for a better future for them in the war-torn country. Nevertheless, many of them have made the choice to engage in the civil society’s efforts to bring about peace and support a way out of the country’s current deadlock.

In the framework of our Mediterranean Platform, we hosted an inspiring group of young Libyan activists from the “Peace Makers Libya” organization, to share their experience and offer a youth perspective on the current conflict in Libya.

The event offered a youth perspective on the current conflict in Libya, while addressing the challenges faced by young Libyans in their efforts to rebuild peace and reconciliation on the ground, and their expectations for the future of their country.

In a lively exchange with Luiss students, moderated by Prof. Virginie Collombier, the guests discussed the challenges faced by young Libyans in their daily lives, as well as their efforts to create a space for themselves on the political scene and to rebuild peace and promote reconciliation on the ground.

Following the event we had a lovely gathering that provided an opportunity for Luiss SoG students and their Libyan counterparts to network and exchange views and ideas for future collaboration.

This event was funded by the European Union in the framework of “The Dialogue Platform for Libya’s Future” project (NDICI CRISIS FPI / 2022/433-693). Its contents are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.