
Access to primary data and field-based studies on trends and dynamics affecting the region are vital for policymakers, academics and for the broader international public opinion. Our publications are based on multi-disciplinary research and prioritise policy-relevance. They give space to diverse views from scholars and experts across the region and beyond and address contemporary policy issues. Some publications are also the result of mentorship and coaching activities that the Platform undertakes with local researchers.

Peace without Reconciliation in Northern Ireland: Lessons for Libya?


15 April 2024

Preserving Libya’s Cultural Heritage Against Climate Change: Bridging the World Heritage Convention and Local Realities


11 March 2024

Sandstorms in Libya: The Urgent Need for Policy Intervention


5 March 2024

The Big Transitions: Climate, Energy, and Technology

Mediterranean Platform Conference

12 February 2024

Addressing the Deepening Socioeconomic Crises

Mediterranean Platform Conference

12 February 2024

Could Regional Stabilization be Consolidated and Last?

Mediterranean Platform Conference

12 February 2024