Italia Oggi

27 October 2023

War gets its feet on the ground

The intervention of Prof. Luigi Narbone for Italia Oggi:

27 Oct. 2023

Luigi Narbone

«None of the actors in the Middle Eastern area – not even Iran – have an interest in expanding the war. Even the major military deterrent that the United States has deployed in the region has as its primary objective to dissuade other parties from entering the conflict.»

Available in Italian:


Jeune Afrique

27 July 2024

Prof. Virginie Collombier was interviewed by Jeune Afrique.

Jeune Afrique

16 July 2024

Prof. Virginie Collombier was interviewed by Jeune Afrique.

La Croix

28 June 2024

Prof. Virginie Collombier was featured in the French newspaper La Croix