Huffington Post

3 May 2024

Prof. Narbone was on the recent agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia.

Flagging the possibility of “an agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia is not to exclude Israel, at least in the medium to long term. But it serves as an incentive given the possible change of leadership in Israel and signals that the US-Israel relationship is entering a much more complicated phase”. 

-Prof. Luigi Narbone 

On 3 May, Nadia Boffa’s interview for the Huffington Post with our Director. Prof. Narbone shed light on several important aspects of the possible mutual defense agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia, contextualizing within the broader regional situation. He also emphasised that the debate around the deal signals a shift over the Palestinian issue and the two-state solution, both of which are back at the centre of political negotiations. A bilateral agreement could sideline Israel and potentially affect its relationship with the US.

In addition, Prof Narbone stressed that the rationale for the agreement goes beyond a purely anti-Iranian stance and should be seen in the framework of the US efforts to counter China and reduce its influence in the Gulf. Asked about the possibility of further agreements between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Prof Narbone pointed to a change in leadership in Israel and tangible progress towards the creation of a Palestinian state are likely prerequisites.

On the regional landscape, Prof Narbone expressed concern about a possible escalation of the conflict between Israel and Iran and provided an update on the ceasefire negotiations with Hamas. 

The article is available in Italian and reserved to Huffington Post’s subscribers.

 © Photo Copyright ANSA


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