The Luiss Mediterranean Platform seeks to pursue its mission by participating in innovative research projects in collaboration with national and international partners. It aims to raise awareness of the social, political and economic issues affecting the broad Mediterranean region. Its objective is to understand the root causes of the above challenges and transformation processes in order to engage in effective and policy driven advocacy.


Youth dynamics and policies
Russia’s soft power strategies
EU Inclusive Open Strategic Autonomy Centre (IOSAC)

Numbers and Results




Donors and Partners



In Focus

The Arab Monarchies of the Gulf

Luiss Language Café, from 17:00 to 18:30, 07/05/2024

The shadow of Netanyahu

Luiss University, from 15:30 to 17:30, 30/04/2024

When the past is political: Negotiating the future of conflicts…

Luiss University, 23/04/2024

Alarm in the Red Sea

LUISS University, 26/03/2024

What does Iran really want?

LUISS University, 27/02/2024

A fresh start for Africa-Europe relations

Luiss Guido Carli University, Aula Toti (Viale Romania 32, Rome), 08/02/2024

Italy and the Middle East: From the Libya War of…

School of Government, Luiss Guido Carli, 05/12/2023

Mediterranean 2028: Envisioning the medium-term future of the broader region

Luiss Mediterranean Platform, 20/11/2023

Scenarios for 2028: confronting challenges and seizing opportunities

Luiss Mediterranean Platform, 21/11/2023

Donors and Partners

This initiative is partly funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). The content is the sole responsibility of the author(s) and does not necessarily reflect the views of the above-mentioned institution.

This initiative is partly funded by Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù. The content is the sole responsibility of the author(s) and does not necessarily reflect the views of the above-mentioned institution.