Prof. Collombier published an article for afkar/ideas' 70th edition.
Prof. Virginie Collombier, Luiss Mediterranean Platform’s scientific coordinator, has recently published an article, titled “Libya, Abandoned in the hands of its new tyrants”, for the 70th edition of afkar/ideas (Autumn/Winter 2023). Afkar/ideas is a co-edition between the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEM) and Politica Exterior.
In this pubblication Prof. Collombier draws on her decade’s experience to analyse the intricate dynamics shaping Libya’s political scene. Prof. Collombier’s article reflects on the causes of the current political deadlock that is shaping the country’s institutional landscape, while proposing an accurate description of the challenges that lie ahead.
This article is available in French and Spanish. To access the French version of the article, click on the image below. The Spanish version can be downloaded by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.
Prof. Virginie Collombier joined RadioFrance’s Enjeux internationaux
Elise Daniaud Oudeh was interviewed by La Libre
Élise Daniaud Oudeh was interviewed by Mediapart