Current Affiliation: Sapienza University of Rome, Osmed (S.Pio V)
Mario Savina is a researcher and analyst. He is a PhD candidate in “History and Culture of Europe” at the Sapienza University of Rome where he works on the expulsion of Italians from Libya in 1970 by Gaddafi compared with the exit of the Italians from Tunisia a few years earlier.
He is an associate of the Observatory on the Mediterranean of the Institute of political studies “San Pio V” and, moreover, he collaborates with the Association of Italians Repatriated from Libya (AIRL) and with the Centro Studi Geopolitica. Savina holds a Second level Master in Policies and Management in the Middle East and North Africa from LUISS School of Government in Rome, and another in Geopolitics and Global Security from Sapienza. Previously, he holds a master’s degree in International Cooperation and Development and a bachelor’s degree in Foreign Languages.
He is the author of several articles and analyses concerning topics of his interest.
Areas of expertise: Political, economic and security dynamics in Libya, Tunisia and Algeria; migration in the central Mediterranean; North Africa-Europe relations; Islamism; democratic transition; human rights.
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